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Kootenai County Elected Official Meeting

From NWPOA President Jeff Tyler:

Attended the Kootenai County Elected Officials meeting today.

Sam Wolkenhauer from the Idaho Department of Labor gave a presentation on our local and state economy. He said although unemployment rates are dropping we have a long way to go to get back to where we were before Covid-19(84). He also had a graph showing the infection rate dropping while businesses closing and permanent jobs being lost are increasing.

I stated that it is because of the now unnecessary burdensome masking and virus regulations that are killing our economy by keeping people from spending their money and going out. Many like me think we are being forced to buy the lie.

I emplored them to remove the 2 PHD Board members who voted in the mandate that is causing division and bad economic numbers. Bill Brooks said he "didn't want to waste any of his time on PHD"! Chris Fillios echoed Bill's sentiment. It is no longer a Pandemic I said but now an Election Infection. All the elected officials stated that infections have significantly dropped in their departments.

Clerk Jim Brannon said we have 91,000 registered voters and he expects 40 to 60 thousand will vote absentee. For those voting in person he is working on, with Legislators, having voting centers like the Greyhound Park and a few other large venues instead of all the smaller locations that will be harder to man while socially distancing. (Good idea) Jim said to go to the Kootenai County Election website to register or fill out absentee request.

Sheriff Ben said he is not enforcing the mask mandate yet, mostly educating. This was after a comment that the county is making law breakers out of law abiding citizens.

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